Saturday, November 5, 2011

Facial Fridays

Even though it's actually sounds better though! I've been planning on doing these posts for awhile now, but the procrastination bug not only caught me but seems to have taken up residence. School and tutoring just burns me out and by the end of the day I just want to sleep, or do something mindless before sleeping.

Anyways! I got a face mask sampler pack from Simply Sweet Skin (link to her facebook page) and so far I've tried out three; the rosehips mask, the sea kelp mask, and the milk & honey mask.

I'm loving these things! So far I like the rosehips mask best, even though it makes me look very politically incorrect..I only took pictures of the steps for the rosehips mask, but I've been doing the same thing with the other two masks I've tried.

My kitties were very curious about what I had. 

So here we go! I have been doing a honey+baking soda mask for awhile, I just mix everything up in a glass top. So I just used the same process for these masks.
I took out a small spoonful and dumped it into the middle top.
 Mixed up a glob of honey, which totally looks gross.
 Swirl it all around and make a paste.
 Then I use the spoon to smoosh it around my face, oh yeah, I look so attractive here :). I left it on about 15 minutes, and then gently rinsed with cold water.
 Same thing goes for the sea kelp mask, except it looked like baby poo. XD

I personally have combo skin, I tend to have dry cheeks and an oily T-zone. The rosehip mask felt the best to me, the sea kelp left me slightly dry on my cheeks so I think it'd be good for more oily skin. The milk & honey mask didn't leave me feeling too dry, but it didn't get me as soft as the rosehips mask did. :) I can't wait to try out some of the others, and I'm even splitting a few to bring to a friend at school who wanted to try some out on her mom. :)
So how many of you like to do facial masks, has anyone else tried out SSS? :)

Also, here are some benefits of the ingredients in the masks. Now these are benefits of the individual ingredients, there is no guarantee or scientific proof, it's just things the ingredients are known for. :) (under the cut due to the list being really long!)

  • Lavender Chamomile Dry Facial Mask ~

Lavender - Calming, cleansing also an great antiseptic.
Chamomile - Astringent, cleansing and very emollient!
  • Strawberry Banana Cream ~
Strawberry - Rich source of vitamin C, naturally occurring salicylic acid and beta hydroxy. BHA's help loosen dead skin cells and penetrate pores more effectively.

Banana - Rich in magnesium, potassium, and antioxidants. Also contains vitamins A,C & E.
  • Mango Yogurt ~
Mango - Rich in vitamins, carotenoids, polyphenols and antioxidants. helps to alleviate dry skin.
Yogurt - High in lactic acid - known to "perk" up skin!
  • Milk & Honey
Goats Milk - Alpha-hydroxy acids contained in goat milk are believed to have rejuvenating effects on skin cells and the rich butterfat softens and moisturizes
honey - natural antioxidant and anti-microbial properties help to protect the skin from the damage of the sun's rays, supports the skin's ability to rejuvenate and refresh depleted skin, leaving it feeling silky soft and supple.

  • Pumpkin
Pumpkin - Beta carotene, Loaded with Potassium, Zinc-, Pumpkins contains lots of anti-oxidant vitamins A and C, as well as zinc and alpha-hydroxy-acids which helps to reduce the signs of aging.
  • Sea Kelp
Sea kelp - Sea kelp has more than 21 amino acids and 60 minerals and elements, including calcium, iron, iodine, and zinc. Sea kelp is also rich in Vitamins B12, C, E and K. In addition, sea kelp contains alkali, which helps to balance the body's pH.
Sea kelp has a therapeutic effect on the skin and body, greatly enhancing the condition of skin. Sea kelp's health benefits strengthen the immune system and encourage resistance toward infection. Sea kelp can assist with the healing of skin cells, helping the eczema-affected skin cells rebuild and become healthier

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